A later master of copper engraving is George William Eve (1855-1914). A fine plate by him was engraved in 1903 for Sir Francis Reginald Wingate, KCB, (ill. 7). It is typical example of the three-dimensional heraldic style in contrast to the flat style common today. The coat of arms contains a portcullis which combined with the crest-motto WIN refers to the family name. KCB means Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, the ribbon of which with pendent badge encircles the shield. TRIA JUNCTA IN UNO (Three joined in one) is the motto of the order. A KCB is entitled to use the title Sir. Below the shield are four other orders or decorations.
On the European continent the armorial bookplates are not as restricted as in Britain therefore artists take greater liberties with designs. Ernst Krahl (1858-1926) was a heraldic artist to the Imperial and Royal court in Vienna and a very diligent ex libris artist. In 1895 he made a plate, printed in P1, for Baron Carlos de Vaux (ill. 8). The full coat of arms of the baron is surrounded by an elaborate frame of clinging plants. Above the crest the alliance shields of the baron and the baroness are shown. The inappropriate legend "Ex libris des...." (i.e. Bookplate of ...) is not unusual by Krahl.
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